About Us
Pure Spark Records is an Independent Record Label based in Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan. Launched by Ippu Mitsui, Electronic Music Producer/Solo Artist in June, 2019. We are working with artists/musicians who are friendly, unique and respectful to others and worldwide. Music Genre of this label is mainly Electronic Music / Experimental Music. We also would like to work with new artists/musicians of more other music genres and styles.
For Musicians / Artists
The main release form of our record label is basically digital release. We give priority to the artist's wishes and create a contract (document) each release title. Pure Spark Records aims to release music works that satisfy for artists. We are also thinking of becoming a label as a second choice for artists. Feel free to contact us if you are interested. Also contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Japanese Language (Below)*
私たちのレコードレーベルの主なリリース形態は、基本的にデジタルリリースとなります。私たちはアーティストの希望を優先し、リリースタイトルごとに契約書を作成いたします。Pure Spark Recordsは、アーティストにとって満足のいく音楽作品のリリースを目指します。また、私たちはアーティストの皆さんのセカンドチョイスとしてのレーベルになることも考えております。興味がある方はお気軽にお問い合わせください。また、何か質問などがありましたら、ご連絡ください。Thank you.
*Please write us in English or Japanese as much as possible.
Founder, Manager: Ippu Mitsui / Pure Spark Records.
Contact Us
We respect your privacy.
We are an active Stripe Climate partner.
About Demos
Temporarily, we are stop receiving Demo submission.